Web article, about the Kickoff meeting

From the 17th to 18th of March it took place in Granada (Spain) the kick-off meeting of the project DG-VET.After the welcoming by the host, Neotalentway, the partners made a brief introduction of themselves. Then the partner Innovation Hive explained the details of the project and the idea behind the proposal.

This point offered an exchange on the general idea and served for clarifying eventual questions that
partners might have had after examination of the proposal. Firstly, it was highlighted that, within the project title (Innovative training material and methodology to support the development of marketable digital and green skills of NEET youth from rural areas to empower their employability), the main words that define the project and its objectives would be: Digital and green skills of NEETs from rural areas.
The consortium explored the project ID, key dates, background and rationale of the project, objective,
target groups and participants, project results and activities, and action plan. Once the introduction of the main ideas of the project was explained, the consortium started to talk about the actions to be developed.

Happily, the partners find agreement on the topics to be discussed in the meeting. Camarabelux made an overview and next steps for the Project Result 1. Each Project Result (PR) has a leader in charge of the general coordination of the result. Moreover, there are partners leading each of the activities. Each leading partner (Stando, Balkan Bridge, and Camarabelux) have presented the activities for which they are responsible.

The partners shared the calendar for the activities for the PR1, and explained the activities. Later on, The Dissemination Plan was presented by Innovation Hive, the lead partner for the dissemination activities. The description included the dissemination management structure, planning, objectives, audiences, tools, and channels to be used during the duration of the project as well as the impact assessment and monitoring of the dissemination activities. At this moment the DG VET logo has been voted by all partners and selected. The final version is shared in different formats on the AdminProject Platform.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-BE01-KA220-VET-000035895

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