Project Results
The approach followed within PR1 seeks to standardize best practices and will allow project results to be cascaded down to other European countries (outside the project partnership) severely affected by high NEET rates and provide VET organizations and trainers throughout Europe with a “best” method of identifying how / what of the economy to focus on with new skills-based courses.
The training material will provide young / women NEETs with a package of digital learning resources designed based on the concept of micro-learning: short and coherent learning nuggets delivered in multimedia formats aiming to promote blended learning methodologies.
The digital learning nuggets will include a variety of resources such as interactive games, podcasts, e-learning videos, interactive case studies, infographic resources, etc.
In order to enhance and improve significant elements of the project’s successful implementation, such as sustainability, transferability and accessibility to the project’s results, partners will develop an interactive e-learning platform, with an attractive & creative layout that will ensure a user-friendly environment.
DG-VET Toolbox for VET teachers / trainers and policy makers: The DG-VET Toolbox for VET teachers / trainers, VET organizations and policy makers shall serve a bi-fold purpose:
▫️ It will ensure the availability and sustainability of the project’s results.
▫️ It will ensure the highest possible level of transferability of the tools, materials and methodologies developed within the project.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-BE01-KA220-VET-000035895